International Human Rights Public Protection Association

Promote Human Rights

We are pleased to welcome you to our website. IHRPPA is an expression of national and international tradition.


IHRPPA Help Line/Redressal Cell

  1. To follow, adopt and promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the Constitution of India, national and international law.
  2. To follow the purpose of State Human Rights Commission, National Human Rights Commission, International Human Rights Commission, and to make everyone aware of the fundamental and human rights provided in the constitution, fight for the purpose of securing and securing rights.
  3. To stop the corruption prevalent in government and non-government departments, to get legal action against corrupt and bribery officials, to get them punished.
  4. To benefit the poor from the facilities provided by the government for the treatment of the poor in government hospitals.
  5. To take legal action by government doctors for collecting money from the patients coming to the hospital, not giving government medicine, prescribing medicine from outside or misbehaving with the patient, fighting to end crime, injustice and corruption and the administration of government. To cooperate, to stop female feticide and to make the society aware, to curb the marriage and oppression of women.
  6. To conduct schemes with the aim of empowering women and to create awareness among women, to stop physical and mental abuse of women and to stop the dowry system.
  7. To curb child labor and make arrangements for accommodation, food and education for poor and orphan children, construction of hostels and orphanages for poor and orphan children, all possible help to the suffering helpless persons and solving the problems to the victims, governance administration And getting help from the responsible officers.
  8. To make efforts to prevent pollution and to make the society aware by organizing tree plantation and organizing programs for the purpose of keeping the environment pure.
  9. To follow the rules of traffic and to make people aware about road safety and traffic rules by organizing camps.
  10. To give full cooperation to the police administration to prevent any crime, to inform and to maintain mutual coordination for the prevention of crimes.
  11. To take legal action against adulterants of food and beverages.
  12. To organize health camps from time to time and to make people aware and aware about polio and other deadly and helpless diseases.
  13. To make people aware and aware about their constitutional rights of human rights.
  14. To take among the people about the government scheme being done by the central and state governments for the interests of the poor, needy and farmers and to provide the benefit of the government scheme to the needy.
  15. To curb cow slaughter and promote cow breeding, to spread education widely and make continuous efforts to educate every child-elderly woman of the country, to promote prosperity, progress and welfare of the general public, needy and deserving To provide assistance, relief and services to girls, orphans, old widows, mentally retarded, physically handicapped blind, reservation attraction persons as per their need for their upliftment, maintenance, rehabilitation.
  16. To organize clubs of children and youth through lectures, seminars, cultural programs so as to give them an opportunity to understand the spirit of social services, human values, simple living and high standard of moral character.
  17. To get married by organizing mass marriage programs of poor and economically backward youths.
  18. Arranging relief distribution program for the people affected by natural calamities like flood, cyclone, security, famine and earthquake in the country, controlling the population by organizing awareness programs to control the population, India among all the Indians living in the country To awaken and promote the feelings of brotherhood, unity, integrity, national, patriotism, cooperation, secularism, patriotism and harmony among themselves, encourage and encourage people to cooperate with each other, educate, establish self-employment, self-reliance.
  19. Keeping in mind the better health and cleanliness of the general public, making arrangements for roads, electricity, water in urban and rural areas, taking keen interest in garbage removal works, organizing cleanliness campaigns and health training camps.
  20. Organizing and conducting blood donation camps, yoga camps, health camps, health camps, eye camps etc. from time to time and making their benefits accessible to the general public.
  21. To make people aware for water conservation and to conduct save water campaign and to keep the water clean of all the heads of India, to communicate among the general public and to put pots for drinking at places as per requirement.
  22. To organize promotion of all programs for the formation of a fearless and unshakable society based on truth and non-violence.
  23. Organizing to promote all programs to naturally handicapped persons, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, living below poverty line, old people, widows, dalit persons without discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, world, gender and religion.
  24. To establish, operate, support, maintain and support research and other institutions in the field of education in schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, for the use of common people as well as for the spread of knowledge and the growth and development of education.
  25. Establish, manage and investigate Legal Awareness, Legal Rights Centre, Campus and Workshop, initiate, organize, investigate, participate, sponsor human rights programs, including creating awareness for human rights, protecting victims of human rights violations and People’s Respect and Peace includes endowment of case studies, research, publications, treaties, awards with national and international institutions for effective implementation of human rights.
  26. Medical illegal treatment prevention, ultrasound, illegal work on cancer, heart, HIV AIDS, other important diseases.
  27. Family dispute, land dispute.
  28. Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, SC, ST, OVC, Stipend non-education, level of education, donation, housing enquiry.
  29. Flowers, medicine, spices, fruits, agricultural training, loan of all facilities.
  30. Industry training, credit enquiry, prevention of illegal operation and saving of taxation.
  31. Consumer.
  32. Scheduled Caster/ST Prevention of atrocities, prevention, or compensation.
  33. Prosthesis, fund, loan, medical, financial assistance for providing disability certificate.
  34. Custodial crime, detention, police atrocities, fake encounters, torture, cruelty, inhuman treatment.
  35. Labor Disputes, Exploitation, Wages, Accident Compensation/Wall Labour, Prohibition Cell.
  36. Avoidance of Taxation / Saving to avoid tax.
  37. Judiciary/Administrative Corruption.
  38. Banking or other Central State Department Corruption Disputes Redressal Unit.
  39. Law Enforcement Cell.
  40. Environment protection.
  41. Woman, old age, child.
  42. Helpless Relief Compensation Cell.
  43. Unnatural Death/Relief Cell/Unnatural Calamities, Relief Cell, Compensation.
  44. Communal Violence.
  45. License Inquiry Cell – To prevent ATVing without license
  46. Pornography, prostitution, sexual abuse, sales women, discrimination against girls.
  47. Victims of atrocities, violence, economic exploitation.
  48. Police Public Peace Committee.
  49. Communal/Religious Harmony Committee.
  50. Protection of Minority Cell.
  51. Backward Classes Protection Relief Cell.
  52. Public Interest Litigation Cell.
  53. Free legal aid for helpless people under VPL certificate holder only.
  54. Illegal Donation Prevention
  55. Civil Matters/Criminal Cases Redressal Cell.
  56. All information available in the cell of needy people.
  57. Departmental Service Matters Public Grievance Cell.
  58. Humane treatment of prisoners.
  59. Old Matters Relief,.
  60. NRI
  61. Victims helpline for the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political, and other opinion national or social origin property, birth or status.
  62. Orphaned children such as .. Children, Disabled Abuse, Torture, Juvenile, Child abuse, Child abuse, Education, Armed conflict, Sexual abuse, Sale trafficking, Abduction of minorities and affected Communal violence Relief War relief.
  63. Hunger Relief.
  64. Labour, from the facilities available to the unorganized workers from the organized government to protection, relief, payment of compensation, legal redressal etc.
  65. UN DP Helpline.
  66. ​​Road Safety Committee Communal Violence Unnatural Calamities Relief Committee for Important Road Accidents.
  67. Establishment of drug de-addiction centre, organize rehabilitation programs for drug addicts. Simultaneously, organizing awareness programs for prevention on the danger and misuse of drugs.